KFC tycoon Michael Herbert is ramping up his housebuilding business as he prepares to launch nearly 70 luxury homes in Belfast in an investment worth a total of £40M.
IT'S 2005 and an abundance of houses are emerging from the ground at a rate of knots right across Northern Ireland - some 4,400 in the second quarter of that year to be exact. But with a financial crisis just around the corner, these days were numbered.
The home of a former fabric business which closed in the aftermath of the Primark fire is to be converted into one of a collection of city centre apartment complexes by KFC tycoon Michael Herbert.
OFFSITE construction specialist The McAvoy Group has craned the final modules into position on site for a new wing at Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital in Cramlington.
Thu - February 28, 2019
9:51 am
Article Hits:6257
Follow the Ormeau brick road: from left - Stephen Davey (Clonrose Developments Director), Michael McDonnell (Choice Housing chief executive) and Gareth Moore (H&J Martin construction director)